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Trump 'kirúgta" Tillersont és a CIA veszi át Rex helyét

Külföld"Õ a zsidókormány tagja volt,,az amerikai elnöki stábban. Kirugása rendkivüli kemény üzenet, Izrael és Anglia számára. Jelzés értékû gesztus Oroszország és Kina felé. Uj külügyminiszter a CIA fõnöke..-Trump ezzel azt közölte,,usa-t az amerikai kormány vezeti..Zsidók és Anglia,,egyelõre kussol...Tillerson rendkivül pofátlan volt..Mindent a zsidó érdeknek rendelt alá. Ennek még,,lesz következménye..Amúgy már mindenki utálta mint a szart."

Rex Tillerson Out as Trump’s Secretary of State, Replaced by Mike Pompeo

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President Trump announced that the C.I.A. director, Mike Pompeo, will replace Rex Tillerson as secretary of state. By AINARA TIEFENTHÄLER and SAMEEN AMIN on Publish Date November 30, 2017. Photo by Doug Mills/The New York

WASHINGTON — President Trump on Tuesday ousted his secretary of state, Rex W. Tillerson, extending a shake-up of his administration, 14 months into his tumultuous presidency, and potentially transforming the nation’s economic and foreign policy.

Mr. Trump announced he would replace Mr. Tillerson with Mike Pompeo, the C.I.A. director and former Tea Party congressman, who forged a close relationship with the president and is viewed as being more in sync with Mr. Trump’s America First credo.

Mr. Tillerson learned he had been fired on Tuesday morning when a top aide showed him a tweet from Mr. Trump announcing the change, according to a senior State Department official. But he had gotten an oblique warning of what was coming the previous Friday from the White House chief of staff, John F. Kelly, who called to tell him to cut short a trip to Africa and advised him “you may get a tweet.”

It was an abrupt end — after months of speculation — to a rocky tenure for a former oil executive who never meshed with the president who hired him. Mr. Tillerson clashed repeatedly with the White House staff and broke publicly with Mr. Trump on issues ranging from the dispute between Saudi Arabia and Qatar to the American response to Russia’s cyber aggression.

“We were not really thinking the same,” Mr. Trump told reporters at the White House, explaining his decision to replace Mr. Tillerson.


809 #1 megmondhatom-e
- 2018. March 13. 19:56:03
poor fucking bloody jew now must be looking for a new job
27 #2 etele
- 2018. March 13. 20:02:44
El is mehetne nyugdíjba, és nyaralni Izraelbe! (maceszt zabálni)
809 #3 megmondhatom-e
- 2018. March 14. 10:14:56
- eldugta a nagy tokmány orrát
146 #4 satu
- 2018. March 15. 09:43:11
Zsidó váltott zsidót... szép új világ...
819 #5 rozsola
- 2018. March 15. 10:45:39
Miért éppen most ? Nemsoká " szavazni " fog az orosz.
267 #6 Perle
- 2018. March 18. 18:50:03
A titkosszolgálat élére az a boszorkány került:

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