Joint Training; Joint Work
Ugye nem tudtátok, hogy a csehszlovákok itt gyakorolnak még mindig, persze transzportot a Balaton határvidékén. The Slovak and Czech soldiers participating in the combined training “Balaton 2015” are actively doing their share of the logistics tasks in the Hódmezõvásárhely garrison of the HDF 5th “Bocskai István” Infantry Brigade.
Their duties include providing support for troops involved in border security tasks, so they transport different kinds of materials. In transporting the supplies, the Slovak soldiers drive Aktis and the Czech ones Tatra trucks.
The objective of the combined training “Balaton 2015” running until mid-December is to train Hungarian, Czech and Slovak troops for executing logistic tasks to help deal with the crisis situation caused by mass migration in the region of Kaposvár, Nagykanizsa and Hódmezõvásárhely. Staying in Hungary until mid-December, the 21-strong Czech logistic unit and the 21-strong Slovak contingent are cooperating with the Hungarian troops in carrying out the tasks.
Their duties include providing support for troops involved in border security tasks, so they transport different kinds of materials. In transporting the supplies, the Slovak soldiers drive Aktis and the Czech ones Tatra trucks.
The objective of the combined training “Balaton 2015” running until mid-December is to train Hungarian, Czech and Slovak troops for executing logistic tasks to help deal with the crisis situation caused by mass migration in the region of Kaposvár, Nagykanizsa and Hódmezõvásárhely. Staying in Hungary until mid-December, the 21-strong Czech logistic unit and the 21-strong Slovak contingent are cooperating with the Hungarian troops in carrying out the tasks.
Hozzaszolas küldése
Hozzaszolas küldéséhez be kell jelentkezni.
- 2015. November 29. 09:10:42
- 2015. November 29. 09:55:32
- 2015. November 29. 13:20:32
- 2015. November 29. 13:51:08