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Russia, Iran, China In 1st Ever War Drill In “Message To The World”

BelföldThe countries of Russia, Iran, and China, which are three countries that are found in Last Days Prophecy of the Holy Bible, have announced that they will hold in the coming weeks their first-ever joint war drills.

Which leaders say are meant to send a “message to the world” about the increased military cooperation between these prophetic countries who are allies in the Last Days.

The commander of Iran’s navy, Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi, said that the Islamic Republic will team up with Moscow and Beijing soon to hold the mass war drills.

Saying that the joint war-games between the three countries shows the high level of relations and cooperation between them in the military sector.

He also said that the joint war-game between Iran, Russia, and China, carries the message to the world, that these three countries have reached a meaningful strategic point in their relations with regard for one another’s national interests.

The Iranian military leader in his statements emphasized the importance of performing military drills in the sea, where the Islamic Republic has been particularly troublesome for Western nations.

Iranian naval vessels routinely harass commercial shipping and even American military ships and have played a role in various sabotage efforts aimed at disrupting international shipping lanes.

The joint naval drills are suppose to include locations in the northern Indian Ocean, also the Arabian Sea, but also even into the Gulf of Oman at Iran. Which is the same seas that U.S. Aircraft Carrier strike groups are also sailing now to observe Iran.

Military analysts are saying that the joint exercises are for the purpose of showing China and Russia’s support for Iran.

And that the war drills send the message to the world that Russia and China will side with Iran in the case of war and would come to their aid if there should be any military conflicts between countries.

All three of these countries, Russia, Iran, and China, are specifically pointed to in Last Days Biblical Prophecy.

Russia and Iran are referred to by their ancient names in the prophecy of Ezekiel chapter 38 as being in an alliance together in the Last Days in the Mid-East.

Where the prophecy shows they are aligned against Israel and its supporters in the West, and we see that alliance has come to pass as foretold.

And then China, the super-power king of the east, is also called out in Biblical prophecy in Revelation chapter 16.

Where the prophecy foretells that the great river Euphrates’ water is dried up, so that the way of the kings from the east is prepared. Foretelling that China will also come into the Mid-East to where today Russian and Iran’s militaries are also operating in the Mid-East at the Euphrates River.

And already today China is preparing the way of the kings from the east into the Mid-East, as they are spending billions of dollars right now building their new silk road of the Last Days.

The ancient Silk Road of the ancient Kings of the East has been reborn as the modern China Belt and Road Initiative, where it is the most ambitious and expensive infrastructure project the world has ever known. Which when this new Silk Road out of China into the Middle East is complete, it will directly connect China by road and rail to the Mid-East.

And its route is planned to go right through from China to Syria crossing the Euphrates River into the Mid-East.

And right now the water levels of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers of the Mid-East are dropping from on-going drought and the vast dams and irrigation works of the Mid-East countries around the river as they siphon off their waters.

As these countries found in Bible prophecy of China, Russia, and Iran, are coming together as allies in the Last Days with these first-ever joint war drills that their leaders are saying are meant to send a “message to the world.”

These events and conditions happening now are signs pointing to the nearing fulfillment of the Last Days prophecies at the end of this age revealing it’s time to prepare for the nearing appearance of Jesus Christ for His Church by being born again spiritually into the Kingdom of God as Jesus said we must (John 3) and His Apostles who were authorized (Matthew 16:19) described how (Acts 2).

Preparing those Biblically born again into the Kingdom of God to be ready to escape all the things that will come to pass, in the wrath of the tribulation of Revelation prophecy, that comes upon the world of disobedience. As the born again Church is not appointed unto wrath (1 Thessalonians 1:10) but instead to salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ.

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267 #1 Perle
- 2019. December 08. 17:51:46
Üzenet a világnak ez is. Az amerikai elnök kijelentette, hogy Izraelnek még sosem volt olyan igazi barátja Fehér Házban, mint ő most.
329 #2 gutai zub
- 2019. December 09. 06:23:16
The Gods Must Be Crazy
(az istenek a fejükre estek)

Perzsák Oroszok Kínaiak Zsidók Többször Született fundamentalista keresztények és a Világvége?

A világvége lehetséges változatai szerintük:

perzsák: a hold meghasad, megjelenik allah (persze mohamed is), az igaz muszlimok mennek a mennyekbe, ahol számtalan szűz várja őket, örökös dínom dánom és szex. A több emberi megy a levesbe.
oroszok: megjelenik a szakállas jézuska, az ortodox keresztények mennek a mennybe énekelve, a többiek a levesbe.
Kínaiak: megjelen marx, engelsz, lenin. sztálin, és a kommunizmus győzedelmeskedik.
zsidók: eljön az igazi messiás, a zsidók átveszik az egész világ vezetését, és átveszik az összes pénzt.
többször született fundamentalista keresztények: 40 50 millió van az US-ban belőlük,
jön jézuska, legyőzi a messiást, aki nem született legalább kétszer az megy a pokolba.

és vannak akik ezt várják?
the gods must be really crazy, az istenek tényleg hülyék..........
4 #3 Posta Imre
- 2019. December 09. 08:17:27
Gutai, tennap érintettem ezt az istentelen világ-kérdést.
267 #4 Perle
- 2019. December 09. 18:15:15
20 ezer amerikai katonát, 13ezer db hadijárművet dobnak át jövő tavasszal, ideiglenes állomásoztatással 6 európai országba, hadgyakorlatok céljából.

Ember , állat fel a fára!
131 #5 lalapapa
- 2019. December 11. 21:59:22
udvozlet,, a folottunk levo istensegek szarnak ra
az emberisegre,,
mert az ember meg bizhatatlan es minden ezer
rossz tulajdonsaga meg van neki,,
nem reszletezem,,
a foldrol nem engedik le ezt az elbaszott krealt
foldi emberi fajt,,
sok hibat kovettek el,,
de meg mit hoz ki magabol a foldi csapat nem
is tudjuk el kepzelni,,
sok okos juefjujjka szakerto mit mond igen csak
nem hiheto nem hogy at gondolhato,,
hogy kozosen a foldi emberrrell mennek a munkak
a holdon meg hat a marson is,
ode nem akarok gondolni sem hogy menni,,
a magyarsag meg el korcsosodott es menthetetlen
a le nullazas alol,
tisztelet tudott,,
semmi nem eleg a foldi emberi fajnak,,
de az istensegek azok is haboruztak oltek lottek
olvasztottak mar regen egymast tobb millio vagy
tobb ezer eve,,
de meg is van itt elet addig mig ismet nem
kapja a foldi ember a tuzes sallerokat,,
a fizetni valok jonnek esahoz meg igazodni kell
az parancsol ki fizet,,
munka van akkor valahogy van mit enni es
aludni is addig mig nem eg le a haz,,
cionkaek meg elegge jol osze gondolatak mit hogy
is lehet atbaszni az emberiseget,,
haladva az uton, reszben meg oldott,

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